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Clipboard Magnet Without Strong Magnet But Suppress!

Clipboard Magnet Without Strong Magnet But Suppress!


Clipboard Magnet Without Strong Magnet But Suppress!


Clipboard magnets are the products used to determine the location on the boards prepared from magnetic materials (magnetic materials: iron, sheet metal, nickel, cobalt, steel) and to attach them if you have notes to be attached. Regarding the panel magnet, it is important to remember that a non-NdFeB panel magnet is only ornamental! You ask why? The quality of the magnet used in panel magnets products will determine the holding power for the panel magnet. Therefore, while strong panel magnets produced with strong NdFeB magnets can fulfill the function of holding paper, panel magnets containing coal magnets with low attraction power (black colored magnets with low power) will be insufficient to hold papers. So a non-NdFeB panel magnet is only an ornament! We only stock panel magnets with strong NdFeB magnets. You can contact Magnet Wholesale for information about panel magnets.