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Drop Magnet

Drop Magnet

Drop Magnet


Drop magnets are based on the principle of adding depth to the image by pouring drops on the image after normal magnet work is done, and obtaining an enrichment similar to the lens effect in the image. In drop magnet works, putting the pressure on the mother-of-pearl gives more perfect results in obtaining the desired effect.


We recommend 0.5 mm sheet magnets for drip work. 0.50 mm (500 micron) layer magnets are the products that are preferred for relatively heavy work or where high attraction power is required. We recommend 0.50 mm sheet magnets for heavy objects such as multi-page notebook magnets, drop magnets, magnetic bookmarks, tile magnets. The magnetic side of 0.50 mm layer magnets is UV and bright. Boxes of 0.50 mm thick layer magnets are 40 pieces. It is possible to sell sheet magnets as pieces.