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Stone Magnet

Stone Magnet

Stone Magnet

Stone magnet adorns refrigerators as beautiful art objects with their natural forms. Since stone magnet products are heavier than other refrigerator magnet works, sheet magnets that have the power to attract relatively heavy loads should be used in making stone magnets. The choice of magnet for stone magnet is closely related to the weight of the object. For small objects made of stone, we recommend a 1 mm self-adhesive magnet.


Size for 1 mm thick adhesive (double-sided tape) magnet:

60cm x 100cm

For detailed information about 1 mm thick adhesive magnets suitable for stone magnet making, see: 1 mm thick adhesive magnets


If your stone magnet work is done with a relatively heavy stone, 1.5 mm thick extra strong layer magnet will give more effective results.


Size for extra strong (anisotropic) layer magnets 1.5 mm thick:

60cm x 100cm


For detailed information about 1.50 mm thick magnets, see: 1.5 mm extra strong magnet.